Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blog 1:

This is a link to one of my favorite comics. They are usually written in English, but this one isn't. I picked it because it shows several different languages at once: Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Icelandic, English and Chinese. What I found interesting about the comic was just the different languages and it made me curious to know those languages as to know what they are talking about. And to also explain why they had that stuff on their heads. It may not effect the world, but I just thought it was funny and hoped some other people would look at this wonderful comic sight. The artist does a lot of informative comics that talk about different issues in the world in a satirical way.

It's great, trust me (Even if you can't understand this one comic). =)


  1. I think this is amazing, even when you aren't able to understand the language you can get an idea of what is going on. Great topic!

  2. I found the comic very interesting because it shows English (and maybe Chinese) leading the world when it comes to language. The comic also prompts the question: What happens if people from Scandinavia and the world stop speaking their language and revert to English? Would their languages just die out?

    Too cool of a comic.
